We believe that quality and safety go hand in hand. We are dedicated to provide a healing environment that embraces quality care, promotes health and safety, and delivers the best possible patient experience. We take our commitment to patient safety seriously, by following proven best practices and processes that decrease harm to both our patients and team members.
Indeed, the Royal Hospital has established the leadership and organizational infrastructure to ensure the safety, efficiency and high standard patient care to be a core of everyday practice of all employees. This has created an organization-wide awareness and culture that supports the hospital’s goal towards quality and patients’ safety.

Quality & Patient Safety Sections
- Patient safety and Risk Management section
- Accreditation section
- Performance Improvement section
- Accreditation section

Quality & Safety Measures
Nothing is more important than making sure our patients get the right care at the right time in the right way-every time. Our dedicated doctors, nurses, and staff constantly review our processes for continual improvement, introducing new ideas and implementing best practices. To standardize the process we continuously track and monitor the quality of care we provide using a number of evidence-based patient safety measures or indicators.

“SPEAK UP” for Safety
Every member of staff from the most senior clinician to the most junior are expected to speak up about patient safety concerns to help intercept errors and avoid adverse patient outcomes. By ‘speaking up,’ we mean raising concerns for the benefit of patient safety and quality of care upon recognizing or becoming aware of a risk or a potential risk.
Quality & Patient Safety Achievements

- Implementing the lean strategy and qualifying a number of employees as Lean champions
- Obtaining Accreditation Canadian International (ACI)
- Launching the leadership program in and training a number of staff
- Establishing Patient Experience Program Implementation
- Implementing the monitoring and follow-up policy for morbidity and mortality cases
- Applying the risk management strategy and forming a committee to deal with these matters
- Achieving ISO accreditation for the laboratory sections

Quality & Patient Safety Awards
- GCC Patient Experience Summit - Patient Experience Excellence Award (Government) - (2018)
- IHF/Dr Kwang Tae Kim Grand Award: Royal Hospital (Oman): Implementation of Lean in a Tertiary Care Public Hospital (2019)
- GCC Human Resource Excellence Award - Change Management (2019)
- IHF Beyond the Call of Duty for COVID-19 - Royal Hospital recognition (2020)