Nurses at Royal Hospital works in collaboration with multidisciplinary team in prioritizing the highest quality of patient care.
They continue to work on improving patient outcomes in alignment with mission, vision and organizational strategic goals. Our team works in providing exemplifying excellence by living our mission through professional nursing practice, education and research.
The Department of Nursing Affairs has expanded its services to include Five Centers (National Heart Center, National Oncology Center, National Diabetic & Endocrine Center, National Hyperbaric Medicine Center, and National Genetic Center) and is recognized Tertiary and Academic Institution that serves the entire nation of Oman. Currently, the hospital functions with 849 beds.

The number of clinical achievements of Nursing Department is of our pride and surely will continue in nursing quality improvement through sustaining the Nursing KPI’s, Process Improvement Initiatives and Projects.

Nursing General Services and Specialties
Our General Nursing Services is the largest workforce at the Royal Hospital, with more than five hundred (500) general nurses and more than one thousand (1000) specialized/critical working in various specializations and capacities. They deliver optimal nursing services to patients and their families twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, working in a multicultural environment and the nurse works with the members of allied disciples such as dietetics, medical social service, pharmacy etc. in providing a comprehensive patient centered care in the hospital.
Our Advanced Practice Nurses and Specialty Nurses work independently and in collaboration with the multidisciplinary team to provide care and counseling to patients/familiess. With the expansion of medical knowledge specialization, our Advanced Practice Nurses and Specialty Nurses have taken over specific areas of patient care.

Our Various Nursing Specialties
- Nursing Clinical Educators/Facilitators
- Pain Management Nurses
- Wound & Stoma Care Nurses
- Phlebotomy Nurses
- Apheresis& Stem Cell Nurses
- Hemovigilance Nurse
- Lactation Nurse
- Palliative Care Nurse
- Breast Cancer Nurse
- Diabetic Educator Nurse
- Rheumatology Nurse
- Bariatric Nurse
- Peritoneal Dialysis Nurse
- Liver Transplant Nurse
- Hepatology Nurse
- Nephrology Nurse
- Organ Transplant Nurse
- Respiratory Nurse
- Sleep Study Nurse
- Immunization Nurse
- Adolescence Medicine Nurse
- Inflammatory Bowel Nurse
- Immunology & Allergy Nurse
- Pediatric Nephrology Nurse
- Pediatric Neurology Nurse
- Pediatric apheresis & Photo-apheresis Nurse