Food catering services Provides meals at the Royal Hospital for patients and their attendants is unparalleled in the Sultanate, as it is characterized by the use of mobile mini-buffet carts that were specially brought from Germany with the aim of reaching the highest standards of quality in catering, by which food is transported directly to the wards after it is cooked to be served there fresh, hot and healthy.
The mobile mini buffet carts contain thermostats that keep food hot to above 63°C and refrigerators for cold food and drinks with temperatures ranging between 5°C -2°C.

The Dietary services section provides the main meals in addition to snacks where patients' choices are taken for the three main meals. According to the food menus issued by the Ministry of Health and prepared by the clinical dietician, it also provides traditional Omani dishes such as Arsiah with Tursha, mashakeek, teklia and Omani Halwa in both Eid Alfitr and Eid Aladha.
Catering dietician visit patients every morning to provide them with cards that include meal lists for that day that are appropriate for their health condition, so that they choose dishes from among the options available in them, and they can also read the instructions for dietary services and evaluate them by scanning the barcode on the back of these cards, which are placed later in food trays.
Mobile mini-buffet carts last two hours per main meal, where the waiter asks the patient whether he is ready for a meal or not, and in the event that he is not ready to eat at that time, it can be postponed to a later time during the specified time for serving the meal, then the food trays are collected from the rooms after it is distributed for forty-five minutes, so it is preferable for patients and attendants to eat food as soon as it reaches them.

The food of patients who are not in the wards during the serving times is preserved in heat preservatives located in the hospital kitchen. They are provided with it upon their return to the ward by the nurse communicating with the food supervisor to provide it directly.
Main meals are served at the following times:
- Breakfast from 6:00 am to 8:00 am
- Lunch from 12:00 pm until 2:00 pm
- Dinner is from 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm

Interspersed with the main meals three snacks at the following times:
- Morning snack at 9:30 am
- Evening snack at 3:00 pm
- Night snack at 8:30 pm

Timings for serving meals in Ramadan:
- Eftar a quarter of an hour before Azan Almaghrib
- Dinner a quarter of an hour after Azan Almaghrib
- Evening snack at 9:00 pm
- Suhor at 12:30am
- A light meal before Azan Alfajer at 3:30 am