Experienced. Specialized. Supportive
We are home to some of the best cancer specialists in Oman and we offer the very latest facilities and pioneering treatment.
We at the national oncology centre provide an accredited high-quality and comprehensive cancer service; we care for you during the entire journey from assessment, diagnosis, and treatment with specialized aftercare and support service.
We always bring the best technology in cancer care as we always seek to provide the latest available treatment for cancer patients.
We provide a full-service on oncology for the patients including medical and radiation oncology, clinical haematology and palliative care. The centre deals with various types of tumours from breast, colorectal, lung, ear, nose, throat and urology and gynaecology cancers.

Our Vision
Develop an integrated, multidisciplinary cancer center that would work towards achieving high status for quality of care.
Our Mission
To serve the community by providing personalized, comprehensive cancer care while accommodating the values and needs of each patient.

The National Oncology Center has number of specialized and combined clinic for more common tumors under specialized team with high international qualification:
- Specialized combined clinic for Breast Cancer
- Specialized clinic for Colon and rectal Cancer
- Specialized clinic for Urology Cancer
- Specialized combined clinic for ENT cancer
- Palliative care clinic
- Lung cancer clinic
- Gynecology in radiation clinic
- Specialized clinic in hematology
- Specialized clinic for pediatric in hematology & Oncology

Scope of Services
The National Oncology Center holds committees to discuss the most common tumors:
- Tumor Bard Committee
- Breast Tumor Committee
- Lung Tumor Committee
- Pediatric Brain Tumor
Moreover, the center is expended to provide marrow transplant services for adults, and put plan to offer these services for children in future.
Also, the center starts to provide palliative services to treat tumors, by specialized team and combined clinic. National Oncology Center creating out training and prepare medical team to providing and follow treatment in remote areas and make clinic to find out the cases diagnosed in these areas.
In addition, the services of professional nursing staff to care of common tumors as; the nurse specializing in the care of breast cancer patients and specializing nursing team in palliative care.

Pediatric Oncology & Hematology section is exclusively manages all children with solid tumors in the Sultanate. Examples include central nervous system tumors and neurblastoma.
In radiation said, the center provide second linear processor equipped with a CT to diagnose and determine movement of tumor during treatment (IGRT), as well as designating exact radiative motion(SBRT), and continue to offer radiation treatment up close with specialized clinic.
The center provide the service of psychology and material support for patients by the services patients section, specially the patients with low-income and are unable to pay for treatment (expatriates) also, cooperate and coordinate with volunteer teams to provide special needs as nutrition.
In society said, the center do awareness campaigns and cooperate with National and Gulf societies and share in there active awareness, than caver all these with different social media.
Also, the center draws plans and directions to increase early detection of cancer cases, by yearly five plan from ministry and the center has connect with WHO to share experience and developments to get the best way for early detection.

Radiation Oncology
The Radiation Oncology Department at the National Oncology Center is a state-of-the-art facility that began providing radiotherapy services to the Sultanate in 2004. Presently, the department provides radiation therapy to over a thousand patients annually.
A dose audit is conducted periodically at the center, as well as a standard output review.
Membership to professional organizations : IAEA ESMO UICC
The Radiation Oncology Team
A professional team that proved quality clinical outcomes and academic excellence,
- Radiation Oncologists
- Medical Physicists
- Radiotherapy Technologists
- Oncology Nurses

Radiation Oncology Clinics
- Out Patient Clinics for all cancer sites
- Multidisciplinary clinics
- Daily Assessment clinics
- Outreach ENT clinic at Al Nahda Hospital
- Outreach clinic at Salalah
- 3DCRT - three dimensional conformal radiotherapy
- DIBH – Deep Inhalation Breath Hold for breast treatment
- IMRT - Intensity Modulated radiotherapy
- VMAT – Volumetric Arc Therapy
- CSI – Cranio-Spinal irradiation (VMAT Based)
- IGRT – Image guided Radiotherapy (respiratory gating)
- SRS/SRT - Intracranial Stereotactic Radio surgery (Mask system based SRS/SRT)
- SBRT- Stereotactic Body radiotherapy
- ICR – Intracavitary Radiotherapy for gynecology tumors
- Electron Beam therapy
- Varian TrueBeam Stx High Energy linear accelerator (2.5mm HD MLC for SRS/SRT).
- Varian TrueBeam High Energy linear accelerator (Millennium 120 MLC 40 x 40 MLC Field size).
- BrainLab Exactrac on board imaging system.
- Varian Respiratory gating system.
- Varian KVCBCT onboard imaging system.
- Brilliant Big bore 4D CT –Simulator.
- HDR Microselectron Brachytherapy treatment unit.
- Varian Eclipse Radiation treatment Planning Systems.
- Elekta Oncentra Brachy Planning Systems.
- BrainLab Radiation treatment Planning Systems.
- IBA Absolute dosimetry system.
- IBA Relative dosimetry systems.
- PTW SDS absolute dosimetry system for Brachytherapy.
- Patient dosimetry systems.
- IBA-MyQA Quality assurance system for machines and treatment plan quality assurance.
- PTW – OCTAVIOS for QA of Volumetric Arc treatment plans.