
Organ Transplant

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Donation. Preservation. Support

Organ donation and transplant give the patient another chance to survive and possibly a better life. Organ transplantation is a rapidly growing field worldwide and in Oman.

Its importance originates from the fact that it gives patients with failure of vital organs such as end stage kidney disease or liver failure, a much better quality of life and a longer life span. It releases the patients from dialysis machines, medications and many hospital visits leading to a near- normal life.

Our Organ transplant program is based on living related donations. The kidney transplant program was initiated in 1988, while the liver transplant program was started in 2017.


The Royal Hospital provides fully dedicated specialized consultants and transplant surgeons working together with multidisciplinary clinical teams, social workers, dieticians and other healthcare professionals. They assess both the donors and recipients to find the best match for optimum outcome.

The transplant process within The Royal Hospital involves the initial work up and education, followed by the transplant surgery and finally the long-term outpatient follow up. Our service is founded on the principle of: ”do no harm”. Our mission continues to be working together to transform patient lives through organ transplantation.
