The National Museum

The National Museum is the Oman’s flagship cultural institution, showcasing the Sultanate’s cultural heritage from the earliest evidence of human settlement in the Oman Peninsula through to the present day.

As a national institution with global outreach, the Museum is ensuring that Oman’s cultural heritage is recognised and appreciated not only within the Sultanate, but also internationally. Through an interchange of knowledge and skills on issues of cultural heritage, it is helping to build a national and international network based on unity and mutual support. Further, it is providing opportunities for cultural expression, innovation and the transfer of traditional skills and knowledge from one generation to the next.


The Museum is located in a purpose-designed building in the heart of Muscat. Looking very much like a palace in its own right, the building is in keeping with the overall feel of the district, with the Museum facing the Qasr al-Alam Palace at the opposite end of Muscat’s ceremonial boulevard. The total area of the building is 13,700 sq m, including 4,000 square metres for 14 permanent galleries, each covering a different aspect of Oman’s cultural heritage. A further 400sq m are allocated for temporary exhibitions.

Disclaimer: Content source from their own site, please visit for more information


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